Scaffold Widget
The Scaffold widget is the foundation for building visually appealing and functional layouts in the applications. It serves as a versatile container that provides the basic structure for your app screens, including essential elements like app bars, navigation drawers, floating action buttons, and the content area for your app's primary functionality.
Functioning of Scaffold Widget
What inside the Scaffold Widget
appBar: An AppBar widget that displays at the top of the screen, typically containing the app title, navigation icons, and other actions.
body: The central content area of the Scaffold, where you place your app's primary widgets (e.g., Text, ListViews, Forms, etc.).
floatingActionButton: A FloatingActionButton widget that floats above the content and typically represents a primary action.
floatingActionButtonLocation: Specifies the position of the FloatingActionButton within the Scaffold.
drawer: A Drawer widget that slides in horizontally from the left or right side of the screen, providing additional navigation options.
bottomNavigationBar: A BottomNavigationBar widget that displays navigation icons at the bottom of the screen, allowing users to switch between different top-level views.
persistentFooterButtons: A list of widgets displayed at the bottom of the Scaffold, typically used for actions that aren't necessarily related to navigation.
backgroundColor: The background color of the Scaffold. Defaults to white.
You can customize Scaffold widget according to you requirements:
By Navigating to Default Properties you can customize Styling.
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