Build Your First App

This page will guide you through the process of creating two basic applications. These applications are designed to be straightforward, yet they'll introduce you to some fundamental concepts in app development.

1. Hello World App

Our first example is an app simply displaying "Hello World". It uses local data, meaning the required information is stored within the app itself. That means we're not fetching the information from the internet or a remote server. This typically involves storing data in local variables, giving you firsthand experience working with internal data storage techniques.

Hello World

2. Bytes App

The second app gets its data from a remote server. We'll use API Calls for this. APIs allow our app to fetch data from the internet, meaning that the list of information can be updated or changed without updating the app itself. This approach is excellent for data that changes frequently.

Bytes App

These two simple apps serve as starting points, each demonstrating building a page and using different ways to store data in your app. As you continue to build more complex apps, understanding these concepts will be crucial.

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