The TabView widget is a powerful widget for creating a tabbed interface in your application. It allows users to navigate between different views by tapping on tabs, each representing a different section of the app.
The TabView widget consists of Four sections, Position, Selected label Style and Colors, Unselected label Style and Color and Divider Height.
The Position, it aligns you tabBar at your desired Position (whether Top or Bottom).
The Selected label Style and Color section responsible for the Font Styling and Color of the title, When got Selected.
The Unselected label Style and Color section responsible for the Font Styling and Color of the title, When tab got Unselected.
The Divider Height is provide required height according to users need to the divided, which is located below the tabBar. If user do not want to use divider in their application bar, set divider height Zero.
Each tab's content is encapsulated in separate widgets (HomeTab, profileTab )Inside each TabViewitem widget, a single child widget is used (a Column in this example), which can contain multiple children like icons and text. It is used as subwidget inside TabView to defining TabView's properties (in general).
The TabView widget consists of Two sections, Title and Icon.
The Title section usually includes the title of the TabBar.
The Icon contains various icons for the title including Material Icons, Cupertino Icons, FontAwesome Icons and LineIcons. Icon can be customized futher like the height and color.
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