YouTube Player
The YouTube Player Widget serves the purpose of playing videos hosted on the YouTube platform.
Adding YouTube Player To Your Project
To add the YouTube Player widget in your project:
Simply click on Add Widget and then click on YouTube Player Widget to it in your project.
Configuring the URL of the video
The YouTube Player widget utilizes a video URL from YouTube to initiate video playback. Upon integrating the YouTube Player into your application, you have the option to modify the video URL by utilizing the URL property.
Enable/Disable Auto Play Button
Following the URL upload, the video does not automatically commence playback. To initiate playback automatically, you can enable the auto-play feature by activating the corresponding button.
Muting The Video
Upon uploading the URL, the video is initially set to an unmuted state by default. To mute the video, you can enable the mute option by activating the corresponding button.
Enable/Disable Looping Video
By default, once a Youtube video finishes playing, it does not automatically restart. However, you can modify this behavior by adjusting the "Loop Video" property.
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