Check Box

To create a checkbox widget in somewhere your application, you can use the Checkbox widget.

Adding Check Box Widget

Open Your Project:

Open your existing project or create a new one.

Navigate to the Page or Screen:

Go to the page or screen where you want to add the checkbox.

Add the Checkbox Widget:

  • In the left-hand panel, chose the parent widget then click on the "+" button to add a new widget.

  • Search for "Checkbox" in the widget search bar.

  • Drag and drop the Checkbox widget to the desired location on your canvas.

Key Features of Check Box Widget

You can change the shape of Check Box element according to your requirements.

Set different the Colors and Border Colors in the active or inactive states.

Elasticity to set different icons for active and inactive states.

You can further more customize Check Box Widget by navigating to Default Properties for changing physical state of the element (such as height, width, border radius etc ).

Last updated