Logical Operators
To understand and effectively apply Logical operators on Digia Dashboard than you should have knowledge of Json operators.
Json OperatorsThere are various logical operators support on PIM's Dashboard
Equal Operator (isEqual)
Not Equal Operator (isNotEqual)
Null Operator (isNull)
Not Null Operator (isNotNull)
Not Operator (not)
Greater than Operator (gt)
Greater than equal to Operator (gte)
Less than operator (lt)
Less than equal to Operator (lte)
Or Operator (or)
And Operator (and)
1. Equal Operator (isEqual)
when we have to check two operands are equal or not than we use Equal Operator. If both the operands are equal than this operator will return true otherwise it will return false.
There are two arguments for equal operators (both are required). These arguments are the two operand for which we want to check the equality.
Let's understand it through a real life example
If we want to check the id of first user is equal to 1 or not than we can use Equal operator.
Not Equal Operator (isNotEqual)
when we have to check two operands are not equal than we use Not Equal Operator. If the two operands are not equal than this operation will return true otherwise it will return false.
There are two arguments for not equal operators (both are required). These arguments are the two operand for which we want to check the equality.
Let's understand it through an example
Null Operator (isNull)
when we have to check that a value is null or not than we can use isNull operator.
There is one argument which is the value we want to check that it is null or not. (It is the required argument).
Let's understand it through an example
Not Null Operator (isNotNull)
when we have to check that a value is not equal to null than we can use isNotNull operator.
There is one argument which is the value we want to check that it is null or not. (It is the required argument).
Let's understand it through an example
5. Not Operator (not)
Not operator will reverse boolean operation. eg.., true into false and vice versa
There is only one argument which is required
6. Greater than Operator (gt)
It will check one number is greater than other or not
It will take two arguments and both arguments are required
7. Greater than Equal to Operator (gte)
It will check one number is greater than equal to other number or not
It will take two arguments and both arguments are required
8. Less than Operator (lt)
It will check one number is Lesser than other or not
It will take two arguments and both arguments are required
9. Lesser than Equal to Operator (lte)
It will check one number is lesser than equal to other number or not
It will take two arguments and both arguments are required
10. Or Operator (or)
It will take two expressions if at least one expression is true than it will evaluate to true otherwise false
Expression 1 | Expression 2 | Result |
true | true | true |
true | false | true |
false | true | true |
false | false | false |
It will take two arguments and both arguments are required and are boolean expressions
11. And Operator (and)
It will take two expressions as argument and evaluate to true only if both the expressions are true otherwise false
Expression 1 | Expression 2 | Result |
true | false | false |
false | true | false |
true | true | true |
false | false | false |
It will take two arguments and both arguments are required and are boolean expressions
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