Creating new Pages

How do you create Pages in Digia Studio?

This section guides you through creating and modifying a simple Page in Digia Studio. In Digia Studio, it only takes a few clicks to create an entirely new screen.

1. Creating a New Page

Default Page
Click on the sign, to create a new Page.
Enter a suitable name for the Page.

2. Options for the Page

Menu options for Pages

2.1 Delete

As the name suggests, clicking this option will delete the Page.

2.2 Duplicate

For ease, Digia offers you the option to duplicate existing Pages to speed up development.

2.3 Make First Page

Want to make the selected Page the first Page of your App? This is the correct option.

Working with the Widget Tree

Digia offers a huge list of Widgets that can be used for building Apps.

Choose from the various Widgets available

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